Distinguished guests:

sábado, 11 de julho de 2015

Cependant, à Saint-Domingue...

Saint-Domingue est une ancienne colonie française, située sur la partie occidentale de l'Île d'Hispaniola, qui a existé de 1627 au , date à laquelle elle devint indépendante sous le nom d’Haïti, après un conflit entre un corps expéditionnaire de Napoléon Bonaparte et les Noirs insurgés menés par Toussaint Louverture... plus d´information ici

Santo Domingo is a former French colony, located on the western part of Hispaniola Island; it existed from 1627 to the 1st January 1804, when it became independent under the name of Haiti, after armed conflict between an expeditionary force sent by Napoleon Bonaparte and Black insurgents led by Toussaint Louverture... more information here

"Le général Toussaint Louverture"- Auteur inconnu/Unknown author - NYPL Digital Gallery

14 comentários:

  1. Ancora un ottimo lavoro e una storia interessante, ben fatto!

  2. Hola amigo
    Buenas esas minis si señor
    Un saludo J.D

  3. Very well done. Not a subject I've seen many bring to the painting table.

    1. Thanks Rod! I have always been fascinated by Toussaint´s biography - someone called him the Black Spartacus. I´m very glad that you like the theme, there are some more of these fellows on the waiting list ;) Cheers!

  4. Original et très intéressant, avec toujours une superbe présentation mon ami...

    1. Merci pour ta gentillesse cher ami Phil! :D C'est toujours un plaisir d'avoir ta visite! A bientot! ;D

  5. This is a fascinating period of history that I am sorry to say that I know very little about, but the miniatures look amazing and full of character.

    1. Thank you Michael, you´re very kind! :D This is a very interesting epoch, well worth looking into! Cheers and have a nice Sunday :D

  6. Hola compañero, oye unas minis geniales con su bandera y todo. Me gusta la diversidad de figuras que tienes. Todas las épocas.

    A ver cuál es la siguiente

    Un saludo

    1. Muchas gracias amigo Kike por tu amabilidad!:D Me agrada muchisimo que te hayan gustado estas minis :D Tengo unas cuantas mas que están "en espera" y quizas te sorprenderán! :D Un saludo!

  7. Que trabalhos fantásticos!!
    Não estava à espera de tanta diversidade. Muito enriquecedor!!

    1. :D Fico muito contente por lhe agradar :) Obrigado pelos comentários tão simpáticos e favoráveis :D
