Un noble Français, le "grand-père" du Portugal.
Henri de Bourgogne (1066 - 12 mai 1112) fut Comte de Portugal depuis 1093 jusqu'à sa mort au siège d'Astorga alors qu'il combattait les Maures, le 12 mai 1112. Il était le fils d'Henri de Bourgogne, héritier de Robert Ier, duc de Bourgogne et frère de Eudes Ier, duc de Bourgogne. Étant le cadet, Henri avait peu de possibilités d'atteindre la fortune et d'obtenir des titres par héritages, et ainsi, il participa à la Reconquista contre les Maures dans la péninsule Ibérique. Il rejoignit le roi Alphonse VI de Castille et León qui avait épousé sa tante paternelle, Constance de Bourgogne, et l'aida à conquérir le royaume de Galice qui comprenait à peu près la Galice moderne et le nord du Portugal. Comme récompense, il reçut la main de la fille d'Alphonse VI, Thérèse de León. Il devint ainsi, également, comte de Portugal, un comté qui dépendait à l'époque du royaume de León. Lorsqu'il meurt en 1112, il fut d'abord inhumé en Espagne puis au XVIe siècle, il fut transféré en même temps que sa femme dans la cathédrale de Braga.
A French nobleman, Portugal´s "grandfather".
Henry of Burgundy ( 1066 - May 12, 1112 ) was Count of Portugal from 1093 until his death at the siege of Astorga while fighting the Moors, in May 12, 1112. He was the son of Henry of Burgundy, heir to Robert I, Duke of Burgundy and brother of Eudes I, Duke of Burgundy . Being the youngest, Henry had little opportunity to achieve wealth and get titles by inheritance, and so he took part in the Reconquista against the Moors in the Iberian Peninsula. He joined the King Alfonso VI of Castile and Leon who had married his father's sister, Constance of Burgundy, and helped him to conquer the kingdom of Galicia which included roughly modern Galicia and northern Portugal. As a reward , he received the hand of the daughter of Alfonso VI, Teresa of León. He became, also , Count of Portugal , a county that depended at the time of the Kingdom of León. When he died in 1112, he was first buried in Spain and in the sixteenth century, he was transferred together with his wife in the Cathedral of Braga.
Il eut de nombreux fils avec Thérèse. Le plus jeune, le seul qui dépassa l'enfance, fut Afonso Henriques, le second comte de Portugal en 1112. Cependant, le jeune Alphonse avait d'autres plans : en 1128, il entra en rébellion contre sa mère qui voulait s'emparer du Comté et en 1139, il se déclara indépendant de León et le premier Roi de Portugal.
He had many sons with Theresa. The youngest, and only one to reach adulthood was Afonso Henriques, the second Earl of Portugal in 1112. However, the young Alfonso had other plans: in 1128, he rebelled against his mother who wanted to seize the County and in 1139, he declared himself independent of Leon and the first King of Portugal.
Source: Wikipedia
Great painted knight! Also thank you for the background information! Very interesting!
You´re welcome, Peter! :) Thanks again for your kind words and visit :)
EliminarParabéns pelo blog.
Jorge Faria
Muito obrigado, Jorge Faria! Cumprimentos e votos de um bom ano!
EliminarBonsoir mon ami...avec les événements récents en France, j'ai failli raté ce post! C'eût été dommage...et regrettable! Merci pour la dédicace, du fond du cœur...Magnifique background historique, et superbe figurine...bravo, et encore merci!
Salut Phil! Tu n´as pas de quoi, c´est seulement un petit geste d´amitié :) Je te souhaite la force d'affronter ces jours dramatiques, et je suis sûr que la France et les Français sauront surmonter cette terrible tragédie. A bientôt mon ami!
EliminarHey! I don't understand why your latest post did not show up on my blog list. did you change settings,blog name site or is it something to do with g+? ;o(
ResponderEliminarThe figure you painted looks great!
Hi there Phil! Oh, I didn´t know that...! I guess it has something to do with g+, I added it .. - and maybe I sabotaged my own blog! lol Hope it´s all fine now...! Thanks for your visit, I´m so glad you liked Monsieur Le Comte, he is one of my favourite historical figures ever! :) Cheers!
EliminarA very handsome nobleman. What is the manufacturer of the figure?
ResponderEliminarI really like the medieval art you used as a backdrop.
This is Gripping Beast´s Crusader Lord, you can find it here: http://www.grippingbeast.com/product.php?ItemID=180 The backdrop is from "Livro das Fortalezas" - "The book of Fortresses", a XVI century Codex of defensive structures, written and illustrated by Duarte de Armas, Squire of D. Manuel I, King of Portugal. I have a fac-simile edition, and you can find a complete version online here: http://digitarq.dgarq.gov.pt/viewer?id=3909707 I believe you´ll love it! Kind regards, I appreciate your visit and kind comments! :D